Mission Bicycle

Digital Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing
Brand Marketing / Development
Social Media Marketing
Community Engagement
Content Creation / Photography
Owned + Shared Media
Data Analytics

Mission Bicycle, a San Francisco-based brand, was known for its hand-built, custom-designed bicycles.

For nearly two years, I was part of a three-person marketing team that created brand-aligned content for owned and social media channels, effectively growing brand awareness, community engagement, and retail sales. We emphasized a modern, minimalist aesthetic that mirrored the brand's identity and custom products.

In 2011, we successfully launched the @missionbicycle Instagram profile, amassing over 43,000 followers in under eight months. Instagram recognized our efforts, featuring @missionbicycle as a standout brand in "The Instagram Handbook for Brands". Additionally, in his February 2013 blog post "100 Million Instagrammers and Counting," co-founder Kevin Systrom spotlighted @missionbicycle.

The goal of our work was to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to the website, and strengthen community engagement. In parallel, we developed a brand and content marketing strategy.

Mission Bicycle succeeds because it understands what people love about its brand—the beautiful simplicity of its bikes—and uses that knowledge to capture the imagination of new customers.
— Entrepreneur

Caldwell Communications

